25 Of The Most Ridiculous Things People Got In Trouble For At School...From sneezing to clapping too loudly.
We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the most ridiculous thing they ever got in to trouble for at school – here are some of the best responses:
Submitted by brittanyb46a381ca8 Zach Sampson / Getty Images
2. “I got in trouble for wearing a T-shirt that said ‘Disco Still Sucks’ to the disco-themed assembly. I maintain it’s the school’s fault for even HAVING a disco-themed assembly.”
Submitted by Katy Shaw, Facebook
3. “In sixth grade I was sent out for reading a book under my desk in English class while we were supposed to be watching a movie. It was the book the movie was based on.”
Submitted by eoz1301
4. “I once came to school dressed like Cindy Lauper and was sent home because it somehow symbolised being in a gang.”
Submitted by katef4772196de
5. “In sixth grade I cleared my throat during a no-talking session in math class. My teacher though I was growling at a girl and I got a detention.”
Submitted by Kyle Osmon, Facebook
Submitted by @eltorgie Feureau / Via commons.wikimedia.org
7. “A kid in my brother’s high school science class was waving two rulers in the air, so the teacher gave him a detention for ‘directing air traffic’.”
Submitted by gagtastic
8. “I once got in trouble for blinking too much :( I was about 5 or 6, and was trying to see how many times I could blink in a minute. My teacher didn’t like it.”
Submitted by @NuclearTeeth
9. “I was suspended for three days for ‘gang activity’. My mom worked for Walmart and she had a box of the uniform blue vests and blank name tags. I swiped the box and took it to school and gave them to my friends. The principal wasn’t amused and called me to his office, where he accused me of being the leader of ‘some Walmart gang’. Why did he consider it a gang? Because about five of my friends wearing the vests got into a fight with some of the football team. It ain’t easy bein’ a gangsta; even with such low prices like mine.”
Submitted by Greg Strope, Facebook
10. “I got sent to the principal’s office for using the term ‘breast implants’.”
Submitted by Emily Wilmes, Facebook.
11. “I once sneezed in class and my teacher asked me to step outside of the classroom. She went on and on about how it was incredibly rude to sneeze while someone is speaking, as if I had a choice. Still confused about that one.”
Submitted by Kaitlin Batt, Facebook
Submitted by marykatem40f4126eb U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Katrina Heikkinen/BuzzFeed / Viacommons.wikimedia.org
13. “I got sent to the office for a dress code violation because my khaki pants were too khaki.”
Submitted by Abbey Love, Facebook
14. “One year on my birthday, my dad sent me a cream soda with my lunch. I started to drink it in English class, and my teacher got furious and made me throw it away because it ‘looked like beer’.”
Submitted by Nicole Renae Sexton, Facebook
15. “My friend was suspended for gesturing too much while talking because it was a ‘safety hazard and he could hit someone’.”
Submitted by cookiemonster59263
16. “I got in trouble for falling down the stairs so many times in one day. After being accused of having been under the influence, I had to meet with the dean, who decided I was just clumsy and sent me home.”
Submitted by carsontheresac
Submitted by alliums Christa Brunt / Getty Images
18. In high school I got in trouble for posting a Facebook status that compared the current drama of my school to that of
Mean Girls. The principal said it made her cry.
Submitted by wolfshadow318
19. “The guy who sat in front of me in history stole my hairbrush from my bag and started combing his leg hair with it. I whispered ,’What are you doing?!’ at him and my teacher sent me to in-school suspension for being distracting.”
Submitted by kellykumquat
20. “My friend and I were throwing pretend baseball pitches with no ball in our hand and my teacher gave me a detention slip for ‘throwing pitches in the hallway’.”
Submitted by elie42d0ad823
21. “In an attempt to cash in on the
Napoleon Dynamite mania at the time, I helped my sister create a campaign poster that read ‘Pedro isn’t running. Vote for Morgan.’ Her school made her take the posters down because it could ‘upset Pedro’.”
Submitted by violetgirl
Submitted by shannonp4f9a554d6 Roibu / Getty Images
23. “In the fourth grade, the class clapped after wishing someone a happy birthday. My evil teacher yelled at me for ‘clapping too loudly’ and made me stand at my desk for a half hour while everyone else sat normally. The worst part was that I was a super-quiet and shy kid back then, so standing and having everyone stare at me was just the worst.”
Submitted by cailininchains
24. “In the third grade I was asked what I was doing on the weekend. I told my teacher I was ‘going to the Effing family reunion on the Effing farm to see my Effing cousins’. I was sent to the principal’s office and had to have my parents explain it. Effing is my grandmother’s maiden name and now I know why my parents always laughed and said their name so much when we spoke of them.”
Submitted by d49449b9c3
25. “A kid at my middle school got a detention for putting a salami in a CD player.”
Submitted by sethb49cb55d69