Although there were no records of its early use, by 350 BC olive oil was used as natural lubricators. In ancient Greece this growing this herb was big business and Aristotle made brief reference in his History of Animals that smoother sex made pregnancy less likely. Aristotle needs to learn a bit more about reproduction LOL
The Vibrator (1869)
Used more as a medical aid rather than for pleasure, the vibrator was used to treat hysterical women by masturbating them.
Confused? Well that's what happened in the Victorian era. Female Hysteria was recognized as an illness and women with such a condition were treated by qualified medical professionals by rubbing the private parts of a woman until orgasm was achieved.
Since doctors found it boring and began to complain about wrist aches, George Taylor came up with a steam powered vibrator. This model failed to catch until J. Granville invented an electrochemical version in 1880. This version of the device was soon a hit among house wives who bought it as "medical treatment".
However once this device began to feature in porn shows on TV, husbands soon caught up to the real purpose of the "medical" magic that the device brought and ultimately forbade their wives from using or buying them. Ack!!!! Talk about meanies!
The Penis Ring
It was not easy being a Chinese noble during the 11th century because they were under pressure to come up with an heir in a short time before some unknown prince stepped in line or till you were assassinated or your kingdom was taken over my Mongol invaders. He had to impregnate his wife, servants or mistresses on a daily basis until an heir was born.
This was tough to accomplish and so they invented something called the "penis ring". This was made out of a goat's eyelid with the eyelashes still intact and supposedly helped the man in question go on for hours (which probably was fun for him). Hmmm…might not have been that much fun if it kept going for hours!
Blow up dolls (1904)
Blow up dolls were recorded as far back as the seventeenth century, when homesick, French sailors owned a collection of woman like rags to adhere to their sexual needs. But it wasn't until 1904 when a man named "Dr.P " was recorded making inflatable dolls for discerning gentleman.
Just four years later, German sexologist, Iwan Bloch, was mass producing better models of blow dolls that could imitate ejaculation or have a custom designed version made to look like anyone living or dead. All of these advertised in Parisian catalogues.
Condoms (1560)
Late medieval men were overthrown by a common disease of syphilis. They wanted a way to have intercourse again without causing any death. This was when Grabriele Fallopio invented a linen cloth soaked in chemicals and dried. Many tests were taken by wearing this invention and having intercourse whose outcome resulted as clear and safe. Not sure when but at some point, sheep and pig intestines were also used!
Ben Wa Balls
Also known as Geisha balls, these appeared sometime after A.D 500. These were used mostly as a means to sexual stimulation and pleasure back in China and which is still used for the exact purpose although designed in more modern ways.
Butt Plugs (1892)
Frank.E.Young , was a man with a vision, a man who had the idea of inserting things up places where the sun never shines.
His 4 1/2 inches of pain called the "Rectal Dilator" was designed and invented for medical reasons as a cure to piles. Marketed to both doctors and available for use under a prescription, these "plugs" were in use for 40 years.
It was later on sold as a pleasure toy and due to that was banned for being 'falsely advertised' in 1938. Different strokes for different folks! *teehee*
How to Make Your Penis Bigger
In what could probably be the oldest remedies to penis enlargement, the Kama Sutra proposes a solution to a heightened sexual excitement by rubbing the stingers of wasps, bees and other similar insects until it swells. Can we say Ouchy! His penis might be bigger but will he want anyone or anything touching it?!?
The writers also suggested using another method (what we now know as the strap on) of using an 'Apadravyas' made of silver, ivory, gold or even wood, depending on what you could afford. Ack!!! Hope they sanded that wood well!!
A few years back, archaeologists discovered a pre-historic statue, carved from mammoth tusks. It featured a woman's body which was majorly exaggerated at all the right parts if you know what I mean. Though there can be many interpretations to this:
One our pre-historic ancestors marveled at the female sex with marvel and respect since they were considered to be icons of fertility some treated as goddesses because if you think of it the creators of such pieces put a lot of effort and hard work into it knowing the kind of tools they had at their disposal at that time, or
Two, they were a bunch of perverts and modeled these to revel in their sexual fantasies which would probably mean these were the first pieces on pornography.
Whichever interpretation you agree on, sex and beauty is always in the eye of the beholder so in these times in whichever way you may view these structures, keep an open mind. ;)
The Dildo (26,000 B.C)
The oldest known dildo was an 8inch stone behemoth found in Germany which dates back to 26,000 years B.C.
Seems like our ancestors were pretty fond of and enjoyed sex and didn't have anything to be ashamed of because archaeologists have found and continue to unearth artifacts modelled after our junk. Seriously?…”our junk?”
Courtesy of
Please note that the misspelling and the poorly constructed sentences in the article are not mine. LOL
Does anyone have any additions to these? If so, feel free to send them to me and I will be happy to post them. 
I know that there is a museum of sex in NYC. Nick and I would like to go when we visit later this month, but I know our daughter would not think much of that idea - perhaps if she goes off with her cousin we'll try that little side trip. I'll let you know if we see anything good.
ReplyDeleteOh PK...that sounds like a lot of fun...hope you get a chance to go! If you do, maybe they will have a brochure you can bring home and share with us. Of course, pictures are always welcome! ;)
DeleteHugs and Blessings...
Very educational post Cat. I certainly learned some interesting facts.
ReplyDeleteAlways happy to foster continuing education Sunny. ;)
DeleteHugs and Blessings...
Wow, interesting how long some of these 'toys' have been around! OMG that vibrator! LoL and the stingers of wasps and bees? ... insane!
LOL Roz...I have to agree regarding the stingers! Can't see what good that would be if it was too painful to use. ;)
DeleteHugs and Blessings...
I am thinking stone is not a great sex toy!! YOUCH!
ReplyDeleteFun Cat.
Have to agree Minelle...think stone would be painful but not as painful as wood if it wasn't sanded well! LOL
DeleteHugs and Blessings...
very interesting...
One way of putting it Terps. ;)
DeleteHugs and Blessings...
What a history lesson, Cat!!! :) LOL!!! Interesting. Terps is right! Many hugs,
ReplyDelete<3 Katie
LOL Katie...can never have too much education. ;)
DeleteHugs and Blessings...
Well goodness! I sure learned a lot! :D
ReplyDeleteLOL that a good thing? :D
LOL i did a big paper on ancient sex toys and sexual objects of sorts in a graduate class. I liked stirring up trouble where I could lol stirring up trouble? Ah...say it ain't so! LOL Ya oughta find that paper and publish it. ;)