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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Funny Laws

Corsets Not Allowed!
Merryville, Missouri prohibits women from wearing corsets.  Why you may ask?  The law states, "the privilege of admiring the curvaceous, unencumbered body of a young woman should not be denied to the normal, red-blooded American male."  Oh really?  And of course, her “rights” or even “wishes” are not important. 
No Marriage for Me!
In Cali, Columbia it is a law for the bride's mother to be in the room to witness the act of sex on her wedding night.  Mom in the room is definitely not a turn on.  Good luck with that!  Oh yes…I am sure that this is such a turn on for the bride and groom! 

Sex With Satan!
It is a law in Bakersfield, California that you must wear a condom when having sex with Satan.  Apparently the spawn of Satan isn't welcome in Bakersfield!  Can’t quite decide if they are saying Satan is gay or a female.

Alternating Between Family Members

In Santa Cruz, Bolivia, it is illegal for a man to have sex with a mother and her daughter at the same time. Seems like they need to plan alternate date nights! 
Masturbation Can Result In Death!
In Indonesia it is illegal to masturbate and it is punishable by decapitation. How are the Indonesian masturbation police going to know?  Do you report yourself?  Better make sure all doors are locked and curtains closed tightly!

Nevada Has a Tough Stance on Condoms
It is illegal to have sex without a condom in Nevada.  Way to promote safe sex!  As with so many of these laws, how are they gonna know?
Wedding Day
In Oblong, Illinois it is illegal to make love while you are hunting or fishing on your wedding day.  Better rethink that honeymoon camping trip!   Alrighty then…
Lips Off
In Florida, there is a law on the books that says a man may not kiss his wife's breasts. The Florida law that makes having sexual relations with a porcupine illegal is understandable...but no lip love for breasts? Come on, Florida!  I really do have to wonder what was behind this law being written! 

Art of Seduction

In Michigan, a law is on the books that threatens five years of imprisonment for any man who seduces and corrupts an unmarried girl.  Something tells us this one doesn't get prosecuted all that often.  Think the key is “seduces AND corrupts” so even if she is seduced…ya gotta prove she wasn’t previously corrupted. Winking smile

Missionary or Miss Out
In North Carolina, the only acceptable sex position is missionary, and you may only engage in missionary-style sex when the shades are pulled.  OMG…got a feeling that every single person in blog land has broken this law if they have been in North Carolina!  LOL 
If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say...

In Willowdale, Oregon it is illegal for a man to curse during sex. No more naughty name calling!  Oops!

Getting Unnatural in Mississippi

In Mississippi, an act of "unnatural intercourse," if both parties voluntarily consent, can result in a maximum prison sentence of 10 years and fine of $10,000.  Godspeed to whoever learns exactly what kind of intercourse Mississippi constitutes to be "unnatural." Yup…would definitely be interested in hearing their definition of “unnatural.”

Turn Off That Meter
In Massachusetts, taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts.  So…they could make love in the front seat of their taxi before or after their shifts?  

I Now Pronounce You Moose & Moose

In Fairbanks, Alaska, even the moose are not allowed to have sex in the streets! When two moose love each other very much...  Did anyone inform the moose of this law? And just how is it enforced?   Arrest that moose!

Courtesy of

Some of these might be duplicates as these float around in emails but they are still funny.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. Are these for real? Lol that poor moose that's getting arrested as we speak now, do they get to call a lawyer for defence ?? Haha

    1. LOL Missy...yes, as far as I know they are for real! Would like to know just how attorneys consult with their clients! *snicker*

      Hugs and Blessings...

  2. LOL Cat, the mind boggles at some of these! Thanks for the giggle :)


    1. You're welcome Roz...happy you enjoyed them. ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  3. LOL....interesting read to start my day. Does anyone in Nevada ever get is it explained? hugs abby

    1. LOL Abby...ummm...everyone crosses state line to get pregnant? Lots of condoms breaking? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? *snicker* ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  4. so, are these true? how silly, either way... :-) Hugs

    1. Hey Terps...don't know if they've been repealed but yes, as far as I can determine, these were actually laws! ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  5. If you can only have sex with a condom on in Nevada then I guess they don't want any more children there! These were so weird. Hard to believe. I wonder if they are true? The Florida law about kissing breasts??? lol

    1. LOL far as I can tell, they are/were actual laws. Would really love to know the thought processes behind the enactment of these laws! ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  6. Oh gosh, these were so weird! and very difficult to get caught out on!!
    love Jan.xx

    1. LOL Jan...since they are so weird, guess it's good that most are very difficult to get caught out on! *teehee* ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  7. Cat,

    These are good, funny. Thanks.


    1. So happy you enjoyed them Ronnie! ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  8. Very funny and it just proves that moronic officials exist everywhere.

    1. Ya got that right Sunny! Happy you enjoyed. ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  9. How do they come up with these crazy stuff? And, like you said, how would they ever be able to enforce most of them anyway!

    1. Haven't got a clue Queenie but would really like to know what was going on in some of the peabrains! ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  10. Lol, I wanna know the back story behind some of these laws.... They've got to be pretty epic ;) LOL

    1. You and me both Callie...would love the back story on all of them! ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...


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