
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What are You Saying?

You are NOT going to believe this!  Or maybe you will. LOL The same ‘acquaintance’ (recently downgraded from ‘friendly acquaintance’) who sent 16 Reasons to Have Daily Sex Top 10 Things Men Want from You, and 8 Sex Toys Every Woman Should Own sent the following article.   

Now, before I get 'hate' mail from anyone, please know that I'm not insulted that she is thinking that maybe I am gay friends will attest to the fact that I totally support their lifestyle.  I am just getting a bit tired of all the 'helpful hints' she is sending as if I need to be 'fixed' in some way!


I have multiple email accounts and am getting ready to ‘kill’ the account that she knows and am considering not sharing my ‘new’ email address with her.  She’s getting just a bit much!  

However, there is the ‘entertainment’ factor…so what is your vote…keep her around for entertainment value or not give her my ‘new’ email.  Oh and no, she does not have either of my phone numbers. LOL


Is lesbian sex like lesbian porn?

No. Just like how heterosexual sex is not like porn. It's about two people understanding each other and connecting at an emotional level. Lesbian woman are not very different heterosexual couples.

Can two butch women have sex?

When it comes to two women, typically there is no 'man' in the picture. It's not just that one of them is always "a top" and the other "a bottom"... they often switch roles, sometimes during the middle of the same sex session.

Different Women like different things!

Some wanted to be touched in certain places, others don't. Every lesbian has different sex in different relationships, just like straight couples!
Different Women like different things



Do Lesbians Hit On Straight Women

You betcha! A lot of lesbian women will hit on straight women.

Sex Between Two Women is Unique

"When straight guys ask how lesbian sex works, I feel bad for their girlfriends... you are having some really bad sex" That's probably accurate.
Sex Between Two Women is Unique

Definitions of "Sex" are Fluid

Is it sexy? Are you in good company?
Definitions of Sex are Fluid

There's No "Right" Way

Just like heterosexual sex, lesbians can do whatever they want in bed! Women, just like heterosexuals take time to discover each other and understand each other's likes
are you scenting me

Scissoring is confusing

Everyone, including lesbians, is confused by the idea of scissoring.

Was "Blue is the Warmest Color" Realistic?

For some, yes, for others, no! Note that the movie was made by a straight male.

Is lesbian sex oral sex?

Yes and no. Every person and every couple expressed themselves intimately in different ways.

Lesbian Sex is Better

For lesbians, yes.

If two women have sex are they both lesbians?

Not necessarily. They may both be bisexual, or perhaps experimenting with sexuality.
2 women

Can lesbians get STDs?

Women can give each other sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, chlamydia, and herpes.

Lesbians Are Virgins, right?

Even if a woman has only had sex with another woman, that's still sex, and she probably awkwardly lost her virginity like any heterosexual woman.

Do Lesbians Have Sex All The Time?

Lesbian couples do couple activities, like grocery shopping and watching TV. It's not all about sex!

Courtesy of


  1. Wow Cat... that's pretty special ;-) I think I would've sent her on her way probably long ago. But for my own entertainment lol, just keep 'em coming.

    1. LOL Chickie...there's a vote to keep her around. ;)


  2. Her emails do have some entertainment value. Giggles. Poor, misguided girl.

    Get rid of her if she is causing stress. If she is good for a laugh, keep her around. Slinky people are good for something. They make you smile when you give them a good push.

    1. LOL Rose...such a wise lady you are. Nah, she's not causing stress...she used to cause me a few minutes of irritation when I would first open one of her emails but then I'd think...hey...another giggle for my blog! Now, when I seen her email address pop up, I just think...what is coming out of her pea-brain now. "Slinky people"...ooh I do love that.

      Hugs and Blessings...

  3. Not too sure what to say about your 'friend'. Entertaining though.

    1. Oh she is that Sunny. ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  4. Ok is this a friend in RL or a Friend in blog land?? Like does she know you, talked to you?? Or is she just trying to be a busy body and save you from a life of solitude?? If she's entertaining you, then keep her around, we're having fun with her, even though I have to admit this post has brought certain questions to my mind which I rather not ask, but if she's bothering you ( I think if it was me I would be getting annoyed by now ) then get rid of her :)

    Hugs x

    1. LOL Missy...this is someone I know FTF...she knows nothing about this blog or my family here in blog land. Oh and yes she is very much a busy body and sticks her nose in everyone's business. She's entertaining me and giving me fodder for my guess I'll keep her around for a while.

      If you have questions...feel free to ask them here or send me an email (catsbrighteyes at gmail dot com). If I'd rather not answer, that's exactly what I'll tell ya. ;)

      As I told Rose, I used to get a bit annoyed but now I just roll my eyes and think...what's the pea-brain sending now!?! LOL

      Hugs and Blessings...

  5. Oh my! Love the flowchart LoL. I would agree if she is causing you stress an bothering you ditch her, but if she is good for entertainment value (certainly is for us! :) keep her around.


    1. LOL Roz...happy you enjoyed the flowchart. The votes seem to favor keeping her around for entertainment value and no, she doesn't upset me. ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  6. Christ almighty , get rid of her Cat, she goes a step too far all the time!
    love Jan.xx

    1. LOL Jan...ya have to admit...she is entertaining. Oh and the super funny part is that she doesn't even know that all of these people are laughing at her 'helpful' emails...voters seem to be favoring keeping the entertainment around. ;)

      Hugs and Blessings...

  7. Ha! "recently downgraded from 'friendly acquaintance'" love it. This is actually pretty funny, but yeah, why is she sending you stuff like this all the time? Awkward. LOL

    1. Hey Tess...she is a busybody that sticks her nose in everyone's business and thinks she's being 'helpful' because she knows what is best for everyone. Since I don't run into her very often, it is not as awkward as it could be and she is entertaining. LOL

      Hugs and Blessings...

  8. It is entertaining, but it's getting a little creepy too, lol! I'm starting to wonder just what her intentions are.....That last one kills me too..."do lesbians have sex all the time?"

    1. LOL Queenie...oh I'm not the only one she 'honors' with her 'helpful emails'...she just thinks she knows what is best for every person she meets. She gets introduced to someone and immediately starts giving advice. LOL

      Oh yes, isn't that great...haven't figured out what difference who you love makes in how you enjoy sex but...sheesh! :D

      Hugs and Blessings...

  9. Hmmm, yeah, I would wonder about your acquaintance too. Do you know this person in real life? I am guessing they don't read you blog since you are talking about them so freely? I would say to go with your gut on this one. How broken would you be if you honestly never heard from them again? Also, they may not mean anything by the forwards, I know people that are addicted to forwarding, no matter what it is, so maybe that is what she is doing as well?

    {{{hugs}}} EsMay

    1. LOL Es May...yes, I do know this person FTF and she has no idea that I have a blog or that her 'helpful hints' are providing entertainment on it. I wouldn't be broken up if I never heard from her again but she doesn't upset me either. And you have to admit...she does provide entertainment. No, she doesn't forward things...she searches the internet and keeps files of things that she sends to people as she feels appropriate. LOL

      Hugs and Blessings...

  10. Cat, that flowchart...I started following the maze and it occurred to me I've never spent that much time trying to figure out if I was having sex - not even the first time. Sheesh. Rotf!


    Hi, Emailina. The jokes are funny, but your delivery is suspect - a bit too pointed, rather rude and creepy for a mere acquaintance. Knock it off.



    1. Hey Irishey...that flowchart is a riot...thinking of printing it out for the next part...can't you just see a bunch of drunks trying to follow it? *snicker*

      Emailina is Mrs. Busybody who knows what is best for everyone about everything and doesn't hesitate to tell you. Yes, it is very rude and just a bit creepy. I'm at the point where when I see an email from her I think...'bless her heart...what entertainment is the pea-brain providing for my blog now?" LOL

      Hugs and Blessings...


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